Check out videos of the recording of the new album
Posted at 06/01/2023
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Luiz Amadeus showing some of the recording of the solos from the new Faces of Death album. Check it out!

In addition to being Faces of Death’s official drummer, Niko along with @luiz_amadeus will be responsible for production, mixing and mastering.
Soon more videos and news. Niko destroyed everything yesterday on the set.
@luiz_amadeus / @sylviomiranda_71 / @laurencemiranda1975 / @ase_press /?igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng==

In this video our drummer Niko Teixeira explains which equipment he is using, giving tips and also, of course, some excerpts from the recording.

Sylvio Miranda finished recording the bass for our new album and the timbre was insane.
The album is being recorded at Audiolab Extreme Studio in Taubaté and produced by Luiz Amadeus and Niko Teixeira

Making Of recording of rhythm guitar with Laurence Miranda.

Guitar setup for the recording of the new Faces of Death album.
Feel some of the insane timbre we managed to get with the Bugera head, the Randall cabinet, the Arcano mic, Ltd arrow black metal guitars and Bc Rich Warlock… and to finish the TriAxis by Mesa Boogie woke up the devil.

Another backstage video from the recording of our new album and this time it’s about the bass setup and reamp.

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